I have received a few questions regarding the Track balls made back a few years ago. The question is typically; “…. what does the “c”, “t” and “a” stand for in the ball ID name?” At that time of the manufacturing, there were a lot of questions regarding the various manufacturers cover stock (the outer shell of the ball). What could the bowler expect?

What would have a strong reaction and what would not? Pretty simple question with a ton of answers! For the most part, most pro shop operators would reach out to manufacturers’ reps or take a look at the available manufacturers web sites. AND TO BE VERY CLEAR HERE – IT IS THE COVER STOCK THAT IS THE ISSUE – EVEN TODAY! Remember the issues with the Quantums’ back then!

Track Bowling took a chance; they provided pro shops and the general public some insight to the bowling balls intent with an ID system – it was and still is pure genius – Track dudes bring this system back – PLEASE!

Here is how it works:
“c” =  Control. For most bowlers this was a good thing. For the high end folks it was and is impetrative. Lanes can get “cooked” in an 8 game block! Knowing what ball may provide the control can be the difference in making the cut!

“t” = Traction. For many league bowlers with lower rev rates this was something they would want. For heavy handed bowlers it could be a nightmare. But you could understand what to expect.

“a” = AngularThese were typically the balls with greatest traction over the dry part of the lane bed. Sometimes the ball movement was described as “hockey stick” angular direction change – hint hint hint!

That is it in a nutshell. However, Track did not leave it as a simply one letter designation – Nooooooooooooo. They combined the letters such as c/t for control and traction. Or c/a for control and angular! And, again, it is to give the bowler insight to the performance character of the bowling ball. Of course – you the bowler have the most control!

I hope this helps you to understand the balls we have on the website that come from Track. And I think you will find our prices are the best on the interwebs for new in the box – old school stuff. I really do!

If this post was / is helpful, please let us know. Or if you are interested in another aspect of bowling, post your question. There are no bad questions!

Good bowling!



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